नए मतदाता पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन करें, मतदाता पहचान पत्र डाउनलोड करें, सुधार करें | Apply For New Voter Registration, Download Voter ID Card, Correction @ eci.gov.in

The Election Commission of India provides Online Services to the Choosers so that they can Download Voter ID Card Online alongwith colorful other services. So we’re then with complete details of the National Voter Service Portal similar as Voter ID Card Download, Reuse to Hunt Name in the Voter List and State Wise Voter List 2024. It’s a veritably simple process as all these services are handed under the single gate known as NVSP. If you wish to know about the process of the Voter ID Card Download with Photo also you can simply use the instructions below. piecemeal from this, the gate also allows you to Download Voter Card By EPIC Number. If you have attained the age of 18 Times in this time also you can check the New Voter ID Card Registration Online process bandied below. Direct link is given below using which you can land on the Voter Services Portal and also Download Duplicate Voter ID Card.

Notification Details :

Application StartAlready Started
Last Date for Apply NA
Application FeeNA
Minimum Age18 Years
Maximum AgeNA
Voter ID EligibilityIndian

How to Download Voter ID Card Online:

The Election Commission provides an online platform for citizens to download an e-version of their Voter ID card, known as E-EPIC (Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card). Here are detailed steps based on the general process in India:
Visit the Official Website:
Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of your respective State Election Commission.
Navigate to Voter Services:
Look for a section related to voter services or voter-related services on the website.
Select “Download E-EPIC” or Similar Option:
There should be an option for downloading the E-EPIC or Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card. Click on this option.
Choose Your State or Union Territory:
Select your state or union territory from the dropdown menu provided on the page.
Enter EPIC Number or Aadhar Number:
You may need to enter your EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) number or Aadhar number, depending on the options available.
Verify Your Identity:
This can be done through an OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your registered mobile.

Voter ID Forms :

Form NumberForm NameLinks
Form 6Application for Inclusion of Name in Electoral RollClick Here
Form 6AApplication for Inclusion of Name in Electoral Roll by an Overseas ElectorClick Here
Form 6B To get EPIC and AadhaarClick Here
Form 7Application for Objection to Inclusion or Seeking Deletion of NameClick Here
Form 8
Application for Correction to Particulars Entered in Electoral Roll
Click Here

How Download Voter ID Card with Photo :

The process for downloading a Voter ID card with a photo in India involves obtaining the e-version of the card known as E-EPIC (Electronic Electoral Photo Identity Card). Here are general steps to download a Voter ID card with a photo:
Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of your State Election Commission.
Navigate to “Download E-EPIC”: Look for the option related to downloading the E-EPIC. This is the digital version of the Voter ID card that includes a photo.
Choose Your State or Union Territory: Select your state or union territory from the dropdown menu.
Enter EPIC Number or Aadhar Number: You may need to enter your EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) number or Aadhar number.
Verify Your Identity: Some websites may require you to verify your identity through an OTP (One-Time Password) sent to your registered mobile number or email.
Download E-EPIC with Photo: After successful verification, you should be able to download the E-EPIC. This digital version includes your photo and serves as an electronic copy of your Voter ID card.

How To Download Voter Id List PDF State Wise 2024 :

The Election Commission of India periodically updates the electoral rolls, but the release of voter lists for future years might not be available until closer to the respective election dates.

Here are the general steps to check and download the voter list:

Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of the respective State Election Commission.

Navigate to the Voter List Section: Look for a section related to voter lists, electoral rolls, or voter information on the website.

Select Your State or Union Territory: Choose your state or union territory from the provided options.
Choose the Assembly Constituency or District: Drill down to your specific assembly constituency or district.

Download Voter List (if available): If the option is available, you may be able to download the voter list or check your details by entering required information like your name, EPIC number, etc.

How To Do Registration Of New Voter Id Card Online 2024 :

Election Commission of India or the relevant State Election Commission for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Here’s a general guide for online voter registration:
Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of the respective State Election Commission.
Navigate to Online Voter Registration Section: Look for a section related to online voter registration or voter services on the website.
Fill in the Online Application Form (Form 6):
Find and fill out the online application form for new voter registration (commonly known as Form 6).
Provide accurate personal details, including name, date of birth, address, and other required information.
Upload necessary documents, such as proof of age and residence.
Submit the Application:
After completing the online form, submit the application through the online portal.
Application Acknowledgment:
Receive an acknowledgment for your application. Note it down for future reference.
Verification Process:
The Election Commission will verify the details provided in your application.
Inclusion in Electoral Roll:
Once the verification is successful, your name will be included in the electoral roll.
Issuance of Voter ID Card:
You will receive your Voter ID card by mail or through another specified mode.

How to Download Voter Id Card with EPIC Number 2024 :

Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of the respective State Election Commission.
Navigate to Online Voter Services Section: Look for a section related to online voter services, corrections, or modifications on the website.
Select the Correct Form:
Choose the correct form for correction, typically known as Form 8 (Application for correction of particulars entered in Electoral Roll).
Some states may have specific forms for corrections, so check for the appropriate one.
Fill in the Online Application Form (Form 8):
Provide accurate details about the corrections you need, such as the correction of name, address, photograph, etc.
Upload necessary documents supporting the correction.
Submit the Application:
After completing the online form, submit the application through the online portal.
Application Acknowledgment:
Receive an acknowledgment or reference number for your correction request. Keep it for future reference.
Verification Process:
The Election Commission will verify the details provided in your correction application.
Update in Electoral Roll:
Once the verification is successful, the necessary corrections will be made in the electoral roll.
Issuance of Updated Voter ID Card:
If applicable, an updated Voter ID card reflecting the corrections will be issued.

How To Check Name in the Voter List Online2024 :

Checking your name in the voter list online in India can be done through the official website of the Election Commission of India or the website of the respective State Election Commission.
Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of the respective State Election Commission.
Navigate to Electoral Search Section: Look for a section related to electoral search, voter list, or electoral roll on the website.
Choose Your State or Union Territory: Select your state or union territory from the provided options.
Enter Details:
Enter your details such as name, EPIC (Electoral Photo Identity Card) number, or other required information.
Submit the Search: After entering the required details, submit the search.
View the Results:
The search results will display information about the voter(s) matching the provided details.
Check if your name and details are correctly listed in the voter list.
Print or Download the Voter Details (if needed):
Print or download the details for your reference.

How To Do Correction in Voter ID Card Online 2024 :

Visit the Official Website: Go to the official website of the Election Commission of India (https://eci.gov.in/) or the website of the respective State Election Commission.
Navigate to Online Voter Services Section: Look for a section related to online voter services, corrections, or modifications on the website.
Select the Correct Form:
Choose the correct form for correction, usually known as Form 8 (Application for correction of particulars entered in Electoral Roll).
Some states may have specific forms for corrections, so check for the appropriate one.
Fill in the Online Application Form (Form 8):
Provide accurate details about the corrections you need, such as the correction of name, address, photograph, etc.
Upload necessary documents supporting the correction.
Submit the Application:
After completing the online form, submit the application through the online portal.
Application Acknowledgment:
Receive an acknowledgment or reference number for your correction request. Keep it for future reference.
Verification Process:
The Election Commission will verify the details provided in your correction application.
Update in Electoral Roll:
Once the verification is successful, the necessary corrections will be made in the electoral roll.
Issuance of Updated Voter ID Card:
If applicable, an updated Voter ID card reflecting the corrections will be issued.

Some Important Links:

For New Voter ID ApplyClick Here
Download Voter ID Card LinkClick Here
Track Application Status Of Voter ID CardClick Here
Search Your Name In Voter List Click Here
Official Website Of Voter Service PortalClick Here

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